- “One of the Most Successful Trial Lawyers in the Country” – New York Times Magazine
- “Buzbee is the biggest, baddest, meanest dog in the yard –that’s a fact” – Attorney Chad Pinkerton
- Named 2015 Attorney of the Year by Texas Lawyer
- 2020 Induction into the National Law Journal’s Verdicts Hall of Fame
- Named a 2021 Plaintiffs’ Lawyer Trailblazer by The National Law Journal


Tony Buzbee has been profiled in various regional and national publications. He was named one of the top lawyers in Houston by H Texas Magazine and featured in Texas Justice: Tall Tales, published by Red Bandana Publishing. Buzbee was also profiled in Texas Monthly regarding his role in the litigation against wealthy philanthropist, Stanley Marsh and was featured on the November 7, 2010 cover of The New York Times Magazine.
What do people say about Tony Buzbee?
“Mr. Buzbee is a big, mean, ambitious, tenacious, fire-breathing Texas trial lawyer. Really big. Poster boy big.”
New York Times
“For many, Buzbee is the guy to call when they have a wrong they want righted.”
Galveston County Daily News
“The list is long and the wins outnumber the losses by a wide margin.”
Galveston County Daily News
“I think Tony Buzbee is one of the most outstanding trial lawyers in Texas today. He has a high IQ, is smart, is a great orator and cross-examiner, and relates well to people. He is the best of his generation and is very successful.”
Attorney, Kenneth Tekell
“Competitive? Michael Jordan is competitive. Tony Buzbee is a psycho. He’s obsessed with winning.”
Michael Corcoran
“Buzbee was maniacal about preparation, working nonstop for weeks on end.”
Texas Monthly
“Tony Buzbee is the biggest, baddest, meanest dog in the yard—that’s a fact,” “But he’s also generous and he cares a lot about his people and his clients. He taught me everything I know about practicing law.”
Attorney, Chad Pinkerton
“His shark-shaped cufflinks, the shark design on the tail of his private plane, his law firm’s slogan “Just Win,” all signal a tough, do-what-it-takes-to-win persona. It’s likely in his DNA.”
Galveston County Daily News
“Tony was the lead-by-example type,” said Chad Knopick, a lance cpl. under then-Lt. Buzbee in the weapons platoon of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion 4th Marines. “He would not expect you to do anything that he was not willing to do himself,” Knopick said. “Those types of leaders are easy to follow and this earned the respect of every Marine under his command.”
Galveston County Daily News
“Being second best was not an option in his book,” said Sgt. Maj. Chris Calhoun (Ret.), who served with Buzbee from 1992 through 1994. “He inspired everyone around him to achieve more than they thought possible.
Galveston County Daily News
“Buzbee won $41 million in the case of a seaman bitten by a brown recluse spider while working on a ship. He won $159 million from Valero after a refinery blast in Tennessee. He won $4 million, along with $25 million in punitive damages, in a case where a refinery worker died when a battery exploded. He won $35 million for a restaurant-chain owner in a partnership dispute. He represented Jimmy Buffett and the governments of Veracruz, Mexico, and the Basque region of Spain.”
Texas Monthly
“Tony was the epitome of the type of leader I had heard so much about from my grandfather, who served 22 years as a Marine. He was firm, but fair, and always led from example and never asked his Marines to do something that he would not do himself.”
Galveston County Daily News
“The name of this building [Buzbee Leadership Learning Center] is the epitome of honor, sacrifice and courage.”
Governor Rick Perry
“He is a very aggressive trial lawyer,” she said. “Extremely comfortable in the courtroom (and) very passionately fights for his clients. “He loves being a trial lawyer. The best ones do.”
Judge Susan Criss, Galveston County Daily News
“The first I heard of him was (former state Sen.) Babe Schwartz said watch out for this guy — he is a real up-and-comer,” Texas City Mayor Matt Doyle said. “That may have been a big understatement. He is definitely very good at what he does.”
Galveston County Daily News
“When Tony tries a case, he opens a flamethrower right away,” Richard Melancon, a former partner, says. “A flamethrower attached to a bulldozer.”
New York Times
Whatever one may think of Tony Buzbee and his tribe morally, they are without doubt energetic, bold, and intelligent. - Colin Wright
New York Times
I've known Tony Buzbee for years. He is more interesting than the Dos Equis character. He is a family man, a self-made man who came from nothing, a generous man in ways you can read about and ways you won't and as lawyers go he is in a class of his own. He has also done dangerous and life-threatening things in the service of his country. -” SCH”
New York Times
“Governor Perry chose Tony Buzbee to lead his legal team because he has great confidence and trust in his abilities,” said Perry spokesman Travis Considine.
Austin American Statesman
“Tony Buzbee is a real, genuine person. When he’s a friend of someone, he’s a friend. He cares about what you’re doing, and about your family.”
Governor Rick Perry
The leader of Perry’s legal team is a retired Marine captain who is known as a brash, skillful attorney out of Houston, described as one of the nation’s most successful trial lawyers by the New York Times.
Austin American Statesman
“Tony Buzbee is a different cat,” “But he’s leading the next generation of top lawyers in Texas. I’ve known Joe Jamail and John O’Quinn and Tony is a throwback to that era. He has the legal abilities, the financial abilities and, most importantly, the huevos that most other lawyers don’t have.”
Attorney, Frank Spagnoletti
Tony Buzbee is a man who makes and then leaves his mark wherever he goes, especially in the courtroom.
Defining Moments, Michael Lee Lanning
Tony Buzbee is the hardest-working lawyer I know. He takes his own depositions and develops cases on his own rather than having his subordinates do so. You are not going to out prepare Tony. He knows his cases from the ground up. He has a great memory. He is the master of the deposition; he understands the psychology of the witness, his fears and sensitivities. Tony is very good at reading people. It is a challenge to have your witness ready for his cross-examination.”
Attorney, Stephen Fernelius
I have always found Tony to be very prepared, creative in his approach, and someone who has always kept his word with me. He is a very formidable opponent.”
Attorney, David Beck
“I must say with all honesty your cross of our corporate rep was the best I have seen in my 50-year career.”
Attorney, Darrell Barger
“I was born with a chip on my shoulder, and it’s still there,” he told me. “I live for fighting on behalf of the weak against the powerful. I enjoy getting my clients a bunch of money and putting the fear of God in those who are unfortunate enough to oppose me.”
Tony Buzbee